Stress in the Workplace

Single study from 2013 that showed good results that inhalation/Aroma therapy with the essential oil Bergamot can relieve mental and physical stress for primary school teachers in comparison to placebo. The placebo was a synthetic fragrance similar to Bergamot.

In the study, the teachers had to undergo Aromatherapy 1-2 times a day, various parameters were then measured to see how this affected the nervous system - among other things heart rate variability and blood pressure were measured as well as their perceived level of stress.

Stress & Depression

Randomized controlled study from 2020 that showed a good effect of aromatherapy with Chamomile and Lavender for the reduction of perceived stress, anxiety and depression in elderly residents in assisted living facilities.

183 participants had to inhale Chamomile and Lavender daily for 30 days or a placebo where the participants had to inhale distilled water.

Those who inhaled Chamomile and Lavender showed a reduced level of perceived stress, anxiety and depression compared to the placebo group.